Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Celebrating Beauty and Inspiring All of Us! Rochester, NY Boudoir Photography

Foreword: If you know this gorgeous woman's husband, can you please steer him clear of this blog. These photos are a gift for him for his birthday!- We don't want to ruin the surprise!!!

But I can't wait that long to share them!!! At least a couple of my favorites.

First, I was inspired by her story:

In 2002, after a lifetime of being uncomfortable with her weight and self image this beautiful soul decided that enough was enough and cracked down - changed everything about her lifestyle from eating habits to exercise to a completely new mindset about health and wellness. The long and the short of it is that between Jan. and July 2002, she managed to lose 65 lbs...Hes has kept it off, despite having had a son in June 2007. She says she actually now know what it feels like to consider her body a work of art, after working really hard to get it where she wants it! She has made a commitment to being healthy for her son and her husband.

Then I met her and she is not only amazing on the inside, but completely gorgeous on the outside!

Go Steelers!