Huge smiles everywhere.
Jeff & Heather are such a happy couple.
They are both warm, friendly people. Totally in love with life. Both teachers.
Being around them just gives you energy.
Their day was full of emotion and just plain fun, and of course beauty!
Here is a little taste for now...

I always love this moment, when dad sees the bride, his daughter. Even if there is not a total emotional outbreak in the room, there is still a tiny one that I always capture.

Heather was totally laid back and SOOOO organized. She had so much time for portraits before the ceremony. I was in love! I almost didn't want to give her away to Jeff?!?

One of my favorite group shots ever!
A lot of favorites at this wedding....
I have a lot of details shots and inspiration boards coming in another post.
check out the new website:
Let me know what you think!